Why you should try a new class even if you are nervous

Feeling nervous about going to a new class and putting off that initial step is a very easy trap to fall into and it can quickly become a cycle of self-doubt and fear of failure. Think of some of the excuses you might give yourself; what comes to mind? Do you usually let them win?

Going to a class has so many benefits for you so why should you let yourself get in the way? Let’s look at a few of the benefits of exercising regularly:

  1. Better sleep. Exercise increases your need to sleep, meaning that the time between lying down and falling asleep is reduced when you exercise. When exercising, endorphins are released. Multiple studies show that higher levels of endorphins help to improve sleep quality.
  2. Helps to maintain weight. Exercise burns calories. Burning more calories than you eat is how you lose weight so, therefore, exercising can help you to maintain a healthy weight.
  3. Strengthens the heart. Exercise strengthens the heart, lowers blood pressure and improves circulation and oxygen levels in the body. This leads to a healthier heart and lowers the risk of high cholesterol, heart disease and heart attacks.
  4. Betters mental health. Exercise can reduce cortisol levels (cortisol is known as the stress hormone). In addition to this, endorphins are released after exercise. These hormones induce feelings of pleasure and, overall, make you feel better.

With so many benefits that come from exercising frequently, why not try that new class? A healthier lifestyle and a longer life of greater quality, what is there to lose?

Before I first joined Jigsaw Fitness, I walked in front of the building many times. I always thought to myself: one day I will book a class, when I have time I will book a class, when I feel more confident in my ability to do the class I will book it…. The list went on. It wasn’t until I broke that negative cycle and took the first step through the door that everything fell into place and I realised there was no need for my nerves! Carolyn and the team were there for me from the get-go and I always felt welcomed and in control during class.

Say no to those negative thoughts and take control of your health, too! At Jigsaw Fitness, we are a welcoming community, here to help. We have all started in that very first class and, whilst it can be a very nerve-wracking thing for some people, it can also offer the biggest rewards: confidence, friendship, health and, always, good vibes!

By Lauren James